I decided to put some numbers on the ash plank imports. In this task I was aided by the International Trade in Goods section in the Central Statistics Office. The pie chart below shows the 2021 origin of imported ash planks (by value of imports). About 6.5% come from the Ukraine.
The issue of quality was mentioned in the Canning Hurleys statement and the PQ from Sean Sherlock. Maybe the US ash is not of sufficient quality for hurley-making. Or maybe the quality and, therefore, the price are too high for hurley-making. If the quality of US ash is not appropriate then the importance of the Ukrainian imports increases dramatically. If the quality of the US ash is appropriate then there is less cause for concern. Someone who saw the above chart suggested, tongue-in-cheek, that we might try to persuade (Irish) American President Joe Biden to make more ash available to Ireland in the way the US is releasing some of the US energy stock piles.