After a two-year delay the annual ESEA conference will finally arrive in Helsinki, Finland from the 24th-26th of August 2022. The guidelines for submission are outlined below.
Call for Papers
Researchers are invited to submit a paper for the 13th Annual Meeting of the European Sport Economics Association which is hosted by Dr. Seppo Suominen, Haaga-Helia University, Helsinki, Finland. Submissions are welcome relating to any area of sports economics and including theoretical, empirical, and conceptual papers. Completed research and research in progress are equally admissible, but manuscripts already accepted for publication should not be submitted. The conference language is English.
Please submit an extended abstract: 3 pages including detailed information on the theoretical background of the study, the methods used, and the major findings (12 point font; 1.5 spacing; in-text references in APA 7 style, but no references list). The use of the style template from the ESEA website (under: Conferences – Abstract Template) is mandatory. All accepted abstracts will be part of a book of abstracts. Upon submitting an abstract researchers agree to the publication of their abstract in the book of abstracts.
Abstracts which pass the double-blind review process will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Should the number of papers passing the review process be larger than the number of available slots for presentations, only one abstract per submitting author will be accepted (regardless of whether co-authors have submitted other papers). The submitting author is expected to present the paper.
Please submit your abstract(s) as a word document to the following e-mail address until March 31, 2022: [email protected]
Abstracts submitted by graduate students may be considered for the ‘Best Young Researcher Paper Award’. Please indicate in the submission whether your paper should be considered, in which case it is mandatory to submit a full paper (30 pages maximum in APA 7 style incl. references, tables, and figures) by July 15, 2022 to Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp ([email protected]). For a paper to be eligible, all authors of the research paper must be graduate students, and the young researcher must agree to present the paper at the conference.
Papers presented at the conference will be invited to be submitted to the conference issue of the International Journal of Sport Finance (IJSF).
PhD workshop
Prior to the conference (August 22 afternoon – 24 noon, 2022), a workshop for PhD students will be given by international scholars in sports economics. The specific content will be announced later.
Key Dates
March 31, 2022: Deadline for abstract submissions.
May 15, 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance.
July 15, 2022: Submission of full papers for the ‘Best Young Researcher Paper Award’.
July 31, 2022: Deadline for registration.
August 22 afternoon – 24 noon, 2022: PhD workshop.
August 24 afternoon – 26, 2022: ESEA conference.
August 25, 2022: Conference dinner.