The 14th European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) Conference will be held at University College Cork, Ireland from the 23rd to the 25th of August 2023.
We are delighted to announce the event will include a keynote address by Professor Jane Ruseski (John Chambers College of Business and Economics) of West Virginia University.
Professor Ruseski is an economist of international standing and will be the first female keynote speaker at the conference.
Aside for sports economics, Prof. Ruseski has research interests in health economics, health financing and policy, and industrial organization. She has published in a list of prestigious international peer-reviewed academic journals including Contemporary Economic Policy, Health Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Southern Economic Journal, BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, and Journal of Sports Economics. She is a co-editor of Contemporary Economic Policy and an associate editor of the International Journal of Sport Finance.
Those wishing to attend the conference should know that submissions are welcome relating to any area of sports economics including theoretical, empirical and conceptual papers. Please submit an extended abstract including introduction, theoretical background, methods and major finding via the submission portal that can be found on the conference website:
Abstract submission deadline: 31st March 2023.
Notification of acceptance: 30th April 2023
Full information about Cork 2023 can be found on the event website: