Figure 4.4 from Keeping Them in the Game is reproduced below. It presents the relationship between social class and sports participation from first year to sixth year. The data is presented for males and females. The figure shows that for the first five years of education, sporting participation is higher amongst children from the professional/manager class than for children from the non-manual/skilled class. This situation is dramatically reversed in Leaving Certificate year. In sixth-year there is a huge fall-off in participation by children from the professional/managerial class. The drop in male participation is from 75% to 60%. The drop in female participation rates is from 70% to 50%.
Figure 4.4. presents the data on one of a range of issues examined in chapter 4. In addition to examining the relationship between social class and sports participation, it addresses issues dealing with (i) sporting participation amongst early school leavers, (ii) transition year participation rates, (iii) possible 'relative age' effects, and (iv) the relationship between other school activities and sporting participation. The chapter should be read by everyone involved in education and sport for this age group.