Recently, the German boss Joachim Loew reiterated his claim that England's international difficulties are caused by the high percentage of foreign players in the English Premier League. He attributed Germany's international success to their ability to bring young German talent through their domestic ranks.
According to my calculations, the Bundesliga had 13.6% more national born players registered with clubs last season when compared to the English Premier League. The Bundesliga has maintained approximately the same percentage of national born talent each season since 2002/2003 (50%). As the distribution below shows, more foreign players arrived in the Bundesliga after the Bosman Ruling. The numbers of national born players have however remained relatively stable since the 2002/2003 season (49%-53%).
The Bundesliga is (and for the most part always has been) home to more players from outside the EU than the English Premier League. In contrast to the English Premier League the Bundesliga has managed to largely keep other EU nationals out.